There are two types of microscopes you might find in your school, and each can be used to view different samples.
#1 - Biological Microscope
A biological microscope has light that shines up from beneath the stage directly through your sample and provides high magnification (40x, 100x, 400x). Samples are placed on a microscope slide and must be thin enough to allow light to pass through them. A
cover slip is usually placed on top of the
microscope slide.
Here are some great ideas of samples you can view with a biological
student microscope.
- Pond water (algae and bacteria, protozoans and other living organisms can be viewed).
- Mold found on cheese such as Brie, Camembert or many other types of stinky cheese!
- Hair - just a single strand of hair is all that is needed.
- Cheek cells - use a Q-tip to scrape the inside of your mouth and place the sample on a slide.
- Thinly sliced piece of an onion. Can you see any cells?
#2 Stereo Microscope
student stereo microscope (or dissecting microscope) provides lower magnification (typically 10x - 40x) with light from above and/or below the sample. There is more room under a stereo microscope to place a larger sample such as a rock or plants.
Here are some great ideas of samples you can view in the classroom under a stereo microscope.
- Dust, dirt and sand. The different grains and particles of sand and dirt are fun to view.
- Textiles or fabric. What does the weave look like?
- Printing text. What does a newspaper print look like compared to something you print from your computer?
- Fruit and vegetables. Cut them thinly and then look at what you see under the microscope. Tomatoes, mushrooms and kiwi are all interesting to look at.
- Coins and dollar bills.
- Flowers and insects.
Insect captured at 45x magnification. |
Have fun with your microscope. If you capture any interesting images send us an email, we would love to see them!