Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Laser Scan Micrometers

Laser scan micrometers provide high accuracy non-contact measurement capability for a wide range of applications including measuring retinal lenses, wires, film sheet thickness, cylinders, diameter and many more. Below are a few examples of different laser scan micrometer uses. You can view a complete list of applications and the corresponding laser scan micrometer that best meets the need here.

Using a laser scan micrometer to measure fine wires.
Wire Measurement

In-Line Measurement of Glass Fiber or Fine Wire Diameter

There are several laser scan micrometers ideally suited for measuring glass fibers or measuring the diameter of fine wires with a diameter as small as 0.005mm.

Cylinder outer diameter measuring using a laser scan micrometer.
Cylinder Outer Diameter Measurement









Cylinder Outer Diameter Measurement

Quickly measure the outside diameter of cylinders and tubes ranging in size from 0.3mm to 160mm.

Laser scan micrometer for measuring roundness.
Roundness Measurement








Cylinder Roundness Measurement

Measure the roundness of cylinders with several different specific laser scan micrometers created for this application. A variety of size options are available.

Measure x and y-axis of cables and fibers with a laser scan micrometer.
X and Y-Axis Measurement of Cables







X- and Y-Axis Measurement of Electric Cables and Fibers

X- and  Y-axis measurement of electric cables and fibers can be performed using either one or two laser scan micrometers simultaneously.

Film Sheet Thickness








Film / Sheet Thickness Measurement

By using multiple laser scan micrometers, film and sheet thickness can be measured.

Measuring the spacing between IC chip leads using a laser scan micrometer.
Measuring Spacing of IC Chip Leads







Measurement of Spacing Between IC Chip Leads

Several high-accuracy laser scan micrometers are available for measuring the distance between IC chip leads.

Using a laser scan micrometer to measure film sheet thickness.
Film Sheet Thickness








Film Sheet Thickness Measurement

Film sheet thickness can be measured with the wide range laser scan micrometers.

Laser Disk & Magnetic Laser Disk Head Movement






Measuring Laser Disk and Laser Disk Head Movement

Laser scan micrometers provide measurement range of 0.3mm all the way up to 160mm for laser disks and laser disk head movement.

Measuing roller gap distance using a laser scan micrometer.
Roller Gap Measurement








Measuring Roller Gap Distance

Several wide range laser scan micrometers are available for measuring roller gap distances.

Form measurement with a laser scan micrometer.
Form Measurement






Form Measurement

Laser scan micrometers can be used to measure forms ranging in size from 0.3mm all the way up to 160mm in diameter. Measurement can be performed in either mm or inches.

Laser scan micrometers for measuring tape width.
Tape Width Measurement








Tape Width Measurement

The LSM-503S Standard Laser Scan Micrometer is the perfect tool for measuring tape width from 0.3mm to 30mm.

Laser scan micrometers for measuring outside diameter of objects.
Outside Diameter Measurement






Outside Diameter Measurement

A number of different laser scan micrometers are available for measuring outside diameter of objects.

Mitutoyo LSM-503S Laser Scan Micrometer 544-536
LSM-503S Standard Laser Scan Micrometer

Shown at left is the Mitutoyo LSM-503S Standard Laser Scan Micrometer. This laser scan micrometer is used for a wide variety of measurement applications.

Mitutoyo Laser scan micrometer with workstage.
Laser Scan Micrometer with Adjustable Workstage

If you have questions about which laser scan micrometer works best for your application, contact Microscope World.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hibiscus Pollen under the Microscope

This image of hibiscus pollen was captured by Harald K. Andersen in Steinberg, Norway. Andersen captured the image with a biological microscope at 150x magnification using darkfield microscopy. He then took a stack of 155 TIFF images and compiled them using image stacking software to obtain the image below.

Hibiscus Pollen under the microscope courtesy of Harald K. Anderson.

For more information on microscopy image stacking contact Microscope World. Thank you to Harald Anderson for sharing this beautiful image!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Cerebellum under the Microscope

The cerebellum, also known as the "little brain" is a structure located at the back of the brain, underlying the occipital and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex. Although the cerebellum accounts for approximately 10 percent of the brain's volume, it contains over 50 percent of the total number of neurons in the brain.

Historically, the cerebellum has been considered a motor structure, because cerebellar damage leads to impairments in motor control and posture and because the majority of the cerebellum's outputs lead to parts of the motor system. Motor commands are not initiated in the cerebellum, rather the cerebellum modifies the motor commands of the descending pathways to make movements more adaptive and accurate.

The cerebellum is involved in the following functions:
  • Coordination of voluntary movements
  • Maintenance of balance
  • Motor learning
  • Maintenance of posture
  • Cognitive functions
The images below of the cerebellum were captured using the Fein Optic RB30 lab microscope with the HDCAM7 high definition microscopy camera.

Microscopy image of the cerebellum under the microscope at 40x.
Cerebellum c.s. under the microscope at 40x.

Cerebellum captured at 100x under the lab microscope.
Cerebellum c.s. under the microscope at 100x.

Microscopy image of the cerebellum captured at 400x by Microscope World.
Cerebellum c.s. under the microscope at 400x using plan fluor objective lens.

Contact Microscope World for more information on microscopes and microscopy cameras.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dual Observer Stereo Teaching Microscope

The MWDVS Dual Head Teaching Microscope is a common main objective dual observer stereo microscope system with a custom mechanical stage that offers coarse focusing.

Some of the features of this unique microscope system include:
  • 8x - 50x zoom
  • Common Main Objective 1x Apochromat
  • Built-in Green or Red Arrow Laser Pointer
  • LED Ring Light or LED Dual Pipe Light
Dual Head Teaching Stereo Microscope

Monday, May 9, 2016

Stomach Fundic Region under the Microscope

The fundic region of the stomach is formed by the upper curvature region of the organ. The glands in this region are known as gastric or fundic glands and extend all the way to the muscularis mucosae. From three to seven glands open into the base of each gastric pit. Each gland has a fairly long, narrow neck and a short, wider base. At their base, the glands may divide into two or three branches which become slightly coiled. In the fundic region, almost the entire lamina propria (mucous membranes) are occupied by glands. The lamina of the glands are usually not identifiable and they usually appear more like cords of cells. The only "typical" lamina propria can be seen in the areas between the foveolae and around the bases of the glands.

The cross sections of the fundic region of the stomach shown below were captured using the RB30 lab microscope and a HD high definition microscopy camera.

Microscopy image of fundic stomach region.
Stomach Fundic Region c.s. under the RB30 microscope at 40x.

Microscope image of cross section of fundic region of stomach.
Stomach Fundic Region c.s. under the RB30 microscope at 100x.

Stomach lining under the microscope at 400x.
Stomach Fundic Region c.s. under the RB30 microscope at 400x.

Stomach lining microscopy image at 400x.
Stomach Fundic Region c.s. under the RB30 microscope at 400x using Plan Fluor Objective.

View more histology stomach images here.
For more information on microscopes and microscopy cameras visit Microscope World.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Understanding Stereo Microscope Optics

There are two types of optical designs for stereo microscopes.
Each stereo microscope system has its advantages. Specifically, with the CMO system (a), because of the optical design, there is a capacity for much higher magnification and resolution. This design is most commonly used in research applications requiring both higher magnification and higher resolution (NA). This design results in a relatively flat field and does not generate a pronounced three dimensional image.

For the Greenough system, the primary advantage is that it provides a pronounced three dimensional image and is very useful for relatively low magnification and inspection of items with "depth". Because of the "V" design of the optical path (b), as magnification is increased, both by the use of auxiliary lenses and higher magnification eyepieces, there is a divergence of the point on the subject where each optical path is focused and resolution appears to degrade. This is what limits the effective magnification range of this design to approximately 125x.

Stereo microscope CMO versus greenough optical design.
(a) CMO optical design (b) Greenough optical design

The images below were captured from the left and right eyetubes on a Greenough stereo microscope. As you can see, the crossline in the left image is offset to the left, and the crossline in the right image is offset to the right. Everything is exactly the same for these two images except for the moving camera from the left to the right eyetube. Specifically, this is exactly what a Greenough system should look like, because this is how the microscope system generates a three dimensional type of image.

Greenough stereo microscope versus CMO stereo microscope.
Greenough Stereo Microscope image from left eyetube and right eyetube.

If you have questions about which stereo microscope system will best meet your needs please contact Microscope World.