Richter Optica recently introduced the UX-1 plan achromat student microscope. This microscope is available in four versions:
- Binocular (2 eyepieces)
- Trinocular (2 eyepieces + camera port)
- Digital 3mp camera
- Digital LCD Tablet
Plan achromat objective lenses are a step above basic achromat objectives. A typical achromat objective lens has about 60% of the field of view that is crisp and in-focus. When looking at the circular image through the microscope with achromat objectives, the very outer edges of that image will be slightly out of focus due to the curvature in an achromat objective lens. Plan achromat objective lenses have corrected for this curvature in the lens and provide a 100% flat (and in-focus) field of view, resulting in a higher quality image.
You can view the full line of Richter Optica microscopes here.