Below are some suggestions for a safer science laboratory environment.
- Create a safety plan for the lab that all teachers are educated and up to date on.
- When planning a laboratory activity, always ask yourself if there is another investigation that could teach the same concept more safely.
- Require everyone in the laboratory to wear appropriate safety equipment - including visitors.
- If microscopes are being used, make sure cords are not stretched across walking areas - tripping on a cord could cause chemical spills, damaged microscopes and injuries.
- Have a plan in place in the event of an accident.
- Do not allow anyone to work alone in the lab, including teachers.
- Store all chemicals in an appropriate secured room when they are not in use.
- Test all safety systems at a minimum of once a month.
- Test safety shower, eyewash, drench hose, etc. each week and create a safety log to ensure regular testing procedures.
- Do not allow eating and drinking in the science lab.
- Keep only minimum amounts of chemicals on hand. Those that are no longer used should be disposed of properly.
- Maintain a clean working environment.
- Ensure students understand the properties of each chemical being used for experiment, as well as safety procedures.
- Require all science teachers to participate in a NIOSH-approved safety course every five years.
- Consider showing the class a science safety video at the beginning of each semester.