Monday, July 6, 2015

Ore Under the Microscope

An ore is a type of rock that contains sufficient minerals with important elements including metals that can be extracted from the rock for money. Examples of ore included quartz, gold, silver, copper, etc.

Microscope World recently had a client who wanted to view sand-size particles of ore under the microscope in order to determine the types of ore. The following images were captured using a metallurgical microscope at 200x magnification along with a high definition (HD) microscope camera.

Image of metal ore captured under metallurgical microscope.
Silver and quartz ore under a metallurgical microscope using darkfield microscopy.

Darkfield metallurgical microscope image.
Gold ore under a metallurgical microscope using darkfield microscopy.

Microscopy image of gold at 200x.
Metal ore image under metallurgical microscope using darkfield.

Metallurgical microscopy image of quartz and silver.
Quartz and silver under a metallurgical microscope using darkfield illumination.

Microscopy image of silver at 200x.
Silver under the metallurgical microscope with darkfield.

Microscopy image of gold under the metallurgical microscope.
Gold ore captured at 200x under a metallurgical microscope.

Quartz under the microscope.
Quartz under the metallurgical microscope.

Silver under the microscope.
Metallurgical microscope image using darkfield of silver ore.

Microscopy image of metal.
Metal ore captured under metallurgical microscope.

Metallurgical microscope image of metal at 200x.
Metal ore captured under a metallurgical microscope using darkfield.