Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Polarizing Microscope Images of Food

Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau, 84, is a retired pathologist in Las Vegas who spends hours squeezing fruit through a garlic press so he can photograph them under a polarizing microscope. The polarized light from the microscope results in beautiful art. Dr Belliveau has collected around 11,000 photographs.

Dr. Belliveau's setup includes a polarizing microscope and a Lumenera microscopy camera.

Blueberry undera a polarizing microscope using Lumenera Infinity X-32 microscope camera. Photo by Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau.
 Blueberry under polarizing microscope, Infinity camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau

Corn husk with corn silk under polarizing microscope, Infinity X-32 camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau
 Corn husk with corn silk under polarizing microscope, Infinity camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau

Cucumber skin with Trichomes under polarizing microscope, Infinity X-32 camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau
 Cucumber skin with Trichomes under polarizing microscope, Infinity camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau

Pear skin under polarizing microscope, Infinity X-32 camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau
 Pear skin under polarizing microscope, Infinity camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau

Red grape under polarizing microscope, Infinity X-32 camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau
 Red grape under polarizing microscope, Infinity camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau

Red pepper endocarp under polarizing microscope, Infinity X-32 camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau
 Red pepper endocarp under polarizing microscope, Infinity camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau

Skin of green olive under polarizing microscope, Infinity X-32 camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau
 Skin of green olive under polarizing microscope, Infinity camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau

Surface of seed of tomato under polarizing microscope, Infinity X-32 camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau
 Surface of seed of tomato under polarizing microscope, Infinity camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau

Vein of parsley leaf under polarizing microscope, Infinity X-32 camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau
 Vein of parsley leaf under polarizing microscope, Infinity camera. PHOTO: Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau

For more information on Dr. Robert Rock Belliveau click here.

For more information on polarizing microscopes or Lumenera microscopy cameras contact Microscope World.